0,00 HUF

Nincsenek termékek a kosárban.

2024. április 19.

Első internetes konferencia a mézről, virágporról, propoliszról, méhpempőről, méhméregről

Apiterápiás konferencia Katowice-ben, melyen a legújabb kutatások eredményeit ismerhetjük meg.

Szept. 6-8 között tartják Katowice-ban (Lengyelország) az első interneten közvetített apiterápiás konferenciát, melyet a Sziléziai Egyetem Orvosi Kara, a Nemzetközi Apiterápiás Társaság továbbá a Német- és a Román Apiterápiás Társaság támogatásával rendeznek.

A konferencia célja, hogy bemutassa a méhtermékekhez kapcsolodó legújabb kutatásokat és azok használatát az orvoslásban, gyógyászatban és kozmetikában.

A konferencia hivatalos nyelve az angol és a lengyel.

A cikk megjelenésének időpontjában még lehet jelentkezni a konferenciára, melyre az alábbi honlapon, az  Application form fül alatt, lehet regisztrálni: lásd itt.

A konferencia programja angol nyelven:

6.09.2020 Sunday

10.00-11.00 Opening of the Conference by the Rector of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice and the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences in Sosnowiec of Medical University of Silesia in Katowice, Welcoming Participants of the Conference by Organizers

SESSION TOPIC: Bee products in therapy

11.00-11.30 Inaugural lecture by Dr Stefan Stangaciu (Romania) “Role of beehive products in the Prevention and Treatment of Covid-19”

11.30-12.00 Dr Cristina Mateescu (Romania) „Bee products – Nutritional value, Physiological vs. Pharmacological effects”.

12.00-12.30 Professor Ardo Sabir (Indonesia) “The Effect of Ethanolic Extract of Propolis, Flavonoid and Non-Flavonoid Propolis Application toward Collagen Density in Inflamed Rat Dental Pulp”

12.30-13.00 Assistant professor Agata Kabała-Dzik (Poland) “In vitro biological properties of selected apitherapeutics”

13.00-13.30 Discussion

13.30-14.30 Break

14.30-15.00 Dr Robert Brooks (United States) “Introduction to Apimeds and its Osteoarthritis Clinical Trials”

15.00-15.30… Dr Christopher MH Kim (South Korea) “Apimeds Multiple Sclerosis Indication Launch”

15.30-16.30… Lady Cerelli (United States) “New method for treating Lyme disease with honey bee sting

16.00-16.30 Discussion

16.30-17.00 Virtual tour via Medical University of Silesia

07.09.2020 Monday

SESSION TOPIC: Bee products in therapy

10.00 -10.30 Dr Ali Timuçin Atayoğlu (Turkey) “Apitherapy in Turkey”

10.30- 11.00 Dr Rafael Felitii (Uruguay) “From the hive to the office. Uses of beehive products in Dentistry”

11.00-11.30 Professor Paweł Olczyk (Poland)

11.30-12.00 Professor Jerzy Stojko (Poland)

12.00-12.30 Master Mateusz Stojko (Poland) “Electrospun non-woven fabric containing propolis as a biodegradable dressing for burn wound treatment”

12.30-13.00 Discussion

13.30-14.30 Break

SESSION TOPIC: Bee products in prophylaxis

14.30-15.00 Dr Şaban Keskin (Turkey) “Propolis as Natural Preservative in Food Formulations”

15.00-15.30 Asisstant Professor Anna Rzepecka-Stojko (Poland) “Anti-aetherogenic activity of polyphenols from bee pollen”

15.30-16.00 Dr Reza Abrahimi Asl (Iran) “A short review on Propolis Indication”

16.00-16.30 Discussion

16.30-17.00 Presentation by BeeMed

08.09.2020 Tuesday

SESSION TOPIC: Bee products in cosmetology

10.00-10.30 Dr Anna Kurek-Górecka (Poland) “The possibility of use propolis in skin care, dermatology and aesthetic dentistry”.

10.30-11.00 Dr Aleksandra Moździerz (Poland) “Royal jelly – cosmetic and nutritional properties”.

11.30-12.00 Dr Marta Palacz- Wróbel (Poland) “The use of bee raw materials in a cosmetic recipe”.

12.00 -12.30 Discussion

12.30 – 13.30 Break

SESSION TOPIC: Implementation of api-therapy in the field pharmaceutical care (Moderator of section: Professor Paweł Olczyk)

13.30-14.00 Master Kristina Perminaite (Lithuania) “Preparation of ophthalmic microemulsions containing Lithuanian royal jelly and their biopharmaceutical evaluation”.

  1. Student Weronika Strzoda (Poland)

14.30-15.00 Student Rafał Sochacki (Poland) “Application of propolis in pharmaceutical care and medicine”

15.00-15.30 Student Wiktoria Rasztabiga (Poland) “Medicinal and nutritional properties of bee pollen”

15.30-16.00 Discussion

16.00-16.30 Closing conference

The Conference Organizers reserve the right to modify the program

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